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5 Franchise Opportunities
  • Recruitment Agencies

    Established awards winning maid agency of more than 10 years industry experiences with 3 outlets looking for franchisee. Good profit margin and business expansion opportunities. Choice of operating at our existing set up premise with zero start up capital for office/retail.
  • Bakeries

    Manufacturing and Supplying to local retail outlets and export to overseas outlets. Looking to work with partners that can provide fresh funds for our expansion plan.
  • Retail

    H&L将“物超所值”作为品牌的核心理念,将“持续给消费者创造超越期待的产品”作为企业目标,不断给消费者传递快乐和惊喜,这种质朴的品牌价值也因此赢得众多消费者的青睐,在过去三年中线下实体零售市场整体低迷的情况下,一举成为快时尚百货领域的领军者。 通过6000多款物超所值的产品,每天向全球超过100万人传递快乐和惊喜!

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