A well-oiled small consistent performer located amongst the popular North Perth Strip, which is easily managed, maintained and LOW overheads. The owner has been there for 7 years, and the 7-year itch has arrived to move on. An outstanding opportunity for an experienced operator or a beginner with the skill set to take the baton. - PROFIT & LOSS NOW AVAILABLE !!! Broker: Barry Economo It has these inducements:
- Trades 6 days. (6.30 - 2pm) (Flexible Trading Hours) - Excellent lease terms . (approx. 58sqm) & Car Bay - Classic Fit-Out with nothing to spend. - All Plant unencumbered including Coffee Machine & Grinders. - Rent $3,032 pm all-inclusive of V/O plus GST. YES !!! - Seats inside/outside approx.: 35 - ROI within approx. 12months - SUIT OWNER OPERATOR - PERFECT BEGINNINGS !!! For Further Details Contact: Barry Economo 0417 943 710 barry@gunnink.com